VPN & Frame Access
Cynnex Networks VPN solutions are designed to bring your organization's members and their data closer together to achieve greater efficiency and enhanced productivity. We offer a full range of private network and over-the-Internet VPN solutions. With our nationwide foot print Cynnex has the ability to connect all of your locations near or far in seamless harmony.
Site to Site VPN Solution – Connect 2 or more offices together
Site-to-Site VPNs are an alternative WAN infrastructure used to connect branch offices, home offices, or business partners' sites to all or portions of a company's network. VPNs do not inherently change private WAN requirements--such as support for multiple protocols, high reliability, and extensive scalability--but instead meet these requirements more cost-effectively and with greater flexibility. Site-to-Site VPNs use the most pervasive transport technologies available today, such as the public Internet or service provider IP networks, by employing tunneling and encryption for data privacy and QoS for transport reliability.
Remote Access VPN Solution – Give individuals network access from outside the office
VPNs have become the logical solution for remote access connectivity. Deploying a remote access VPN will enable your corporation to reduce communications expenses by utilizing the infrastructures of users’ local Internet Service Providers. At the same time, VPNs allow mobile workers, telecommuters, partners, and day extenders to take advantage of broadband connectivity. To fully realize the benefits of high-performance remote-access VPNs, Cynnex Networks will help you deploy a robust, highly available VPN solution, supporting both IPSec and WebVPN/SSL (clientless) capabilities.
SSL VPN – Remote access made easy for on-the-go professionals
Corporations use VPNs to establish secure, end-to-end private network connections that connect people to information. SSL based VPN technology allows remote users to easily establish a secure connection to the corporate network from any web browser without the need for additional client software, allowing for maximum flexibility and application access. This centralized architecture provides ease of management and implementation in deployments that require detailed access controls for numerous deployment scenarios with diverse user communities, including mobile workers, telecommuters, and extranet users.